Hico Australia works in partnership with bull companies, the Good Bulls Guide and the farmer to deliver successful AI mating to your farm.
Our trained staff working with the farmer ensure high conception rates and successful outcomes.
With overview of the storage of the semen straws before and after delivery to farm, and by using skilled application to plant the semen, Hico is a vital part of the any profitable farm business.
The Hico team can also provide input into selecting the best semen for the target herd based on historic data taken from Herd Testing and DNA tests carried out on farm and with individual animals.
Sexed semen may be advantageous for some herds in lifting the number of heifers calved but may not be beneficial in some herds and may not be recommended.
To find out more about Artificial Insemination and Breeding Programs through Hico call 1800 444 266.