Herd Testing is one of the key services that Hico Australia provides to the dairy farming community.
It is the only way to gain comprehensive and accurate production information about individual cows in your herd.
Additionally, Herd Testing helps with:
- Identifying high producing cows to assist in breeding decisions;
- Identifying low producing stock to dry off or cull;
- Identifying potential health issues through change in milk volume from previous tests;
- Allowing you to set and monitor individual targets for your herd;
- Making better management decisions, especially when selecting for dry off periods;
- Culling the right cows. Shift the focus from the top cows to the bottom cows. This is where you can achieve the biggest changes;
- Improving selective joining of your herd. Join the most productive cows to the highest genetic gain bulls and the least productive to beef;
- Herd recording is the only way to gain comprehensive production information on individual cows;
- Managing Cell Count. Ability to keep your milk income in the premium payment brackets;
- Managing Mastitis;
- Improving genetic gain of the herd through culling the low producers and choosing the replacements from higher producing dams;
- More valuable progeny as cows with known production history are more valuable in the marketplace. Additional benefits;
- Milk Pregtest with up to 98% accuracy;
- The ability to share herd recording information with farm consultants and service providers to assist with nutritional and veterinarian decisions.
Dairy Australia statistics from 2015/16 show that farmers who Herd Test averaged 23% higher milk production than those that did not Herd Test.
To find out more about Herd Testing call 1800 444 266.
To book your Herd test go to our bookings page.